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 24 Cotton Budget
2024 Cotton Budget  02/01/24 11:16:17 AM

2024 Budget - lean and mean but no corner cutting.    
VARIABLE cost/ac Comments
Base Seed (40K ) (treated w/fungicide only) $99.63 Save $55/acre on ST 4550 
Seed treatment/in-furrow AdmirePro/Temik/Velum averge $20.00 This figure is for seed treatment.  Add $12 more to budget for AgLogic
Thrips - acephate $3.00 no foliar orthene for Aldicarb or Liquid in-Furrow + seed treatment combo
Pre-Bloom Plantbug Spray (AdmirePro unless 2X threshold) $2.50 easy to scout for and cheap to treat - Centric is the more expensive option
1st bloom if threshold (Transform) $13.00 Transform around first bloom; Acephate + Pyrethroid 2nd to 3rd week
Week 2-5 of Bloom (Acphate, pyrethroid, Bidrin etc.) $7.50 large top crop susceptable to stinkbug
Spider mites, or heavy and constant plantbug. More rare   Prevethon for 1646 only
DISEASE (seed treatments handle most risk)   Trust base Seed fungicide treatments which are better than ever
In-Furrow Fungicide (not recommended) $0.00 Low risk/reward.  Seed already have 3 to 4 fungicides
Foliar Fungicides (no benefit in local research.) $0.00 Low risk/reward.  Perhaps Corynespera with 55" cotton
Nematodes (seed trtmt very short term)   Overall low infestation in Va.  TAREC processes samples
AgLogic - Use Base seed - net increase is $12   This should eliminate seed treatments and 1 acephate trip saves $23
Restant varieties (Sothern RK only) or Velum $0.00 Low risk/reward.  I don't see much value to Velum in yield for average situation
Burndown $12.00  W/or W/O Valor based on Pre program
Preemergence Cotoran or Reflex $7.50 Cotoran, or Reflex, Brake (add $21 for Brake)
Post overtop (2.5RU or LIberty, 1.5Auxins)  $25.00 Liberty use should be early (first spray).
Early post Residual (2-5 leaf) Dual/Warrant/Outlook $5.00 Dual/Warrant; Staple, Envoke
FERTILITY   Timing for reduced leaching risk, and Liquid for cost & efficiency
Lime $22.00 HIGH REWARD.  Don't cut corners
103 N (starter and layby combined) $47.38 Pre-plant or 4-leaf post plant.   Reduce rate for medium soil test
25 P (low response to P) $16.80 Low P response, reduce or eliminate P fertilizer for cotton is ok
17-0-90-20 (N-P-K-S)  At planting to 5 leaf $47.50 Later timing allows lower leaching risk, less behind peanut
Boric Acid foliar or with liquid nitrogen $6.00 Simplest is to put 1/2 pound in liquid top dress.
Pix  $4.00 Variety and planting date variables
Defoliation $18.00 Based on 3 Dropp, 3 Prep, & 4 folex
Bollweevil $1.00  
Extra Stuff that you like   Includes special sauce or adding extra trips
Sub-Total Chem,fert,seed $357.81  
Interest $15.00 (8% for 6 months
Insurance $22.00  
Repairs/fuel/oil (not harvest) $40.00  
Harvest (variable) $70.00 Add $30 to $50 for Custom
total variable $504.81  
labor $50.00  
land $100.00 Land cost only (not included are value from base or other resources)
Equipment Payments $100.00  
Total Overhead $250.00  
TOTAL Expenses (including Land) $754.81  
Lint Yield 1100  
Lint Price 0.83  
Gin -charge/+rebate -0.01  
Fees & deducts (Warehouse, classing, boards, intelligin 0.025  
Gross Receipts $874.50  
Net Return to Management $119.69  
Break Even Yield 938  
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